The Brothers Grimm’s tale The Frog Prince is brought to life by a cast of professional actors from Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation. Directed by Lindsey McAlister, the story tells of a spoiled princess whose life changes when she meets an ugly frog by a pond in the palace garden.
A mechanical songbird may be enchanting, but the restorative power of the song of a real-life nightingale is more magical than anything crafted by hand. Created by Natalie Hsu and Jacqueline Lo – two alumni from Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation’s Youth Assistant Choreographers programme – and performed by youth dancers from Hong Kong Youth […]
A brave one-legged soldier quietly guards his small town. Waking one morning from a strange dream, he meets other one-legged soldiers. With his new companions, he embarks on a fantastical journey that opens up the wonders of our world. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s The Steadfast Tin Soldier, this performance is created by professional choreographer […]