The Brothers Grimm’s tale The Frog Prince is brought to life by a cast of professional actors from Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation. Directed by Lindsey McAlister, the story tells of a spoiled princess whose life changes when she meets an ugly frog by a pond in the palace garden.
A mechanical songbird may be enchanting, but the restorative power of the song of a real-life nightingale is more magical than anything crafted by hand. Created by Natalie Hsu and Jacqueline Lo – two alumni from Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation’s Youth Assistant Choreographers programme – and performed by youth dancers from Hong Kong Youth […]
A brave one-legged soldier quietly guards his small town. Waking one morning from a strange dream, he meets other one-legged soldiers. With his new companions, he embarks on a fantastical journey that opens up the wonders of our world. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s The Steadfast Tin Soldier, this performance is created by professional choreographer […]
With just a few simple tools and your imagination, you can create your own fairy tale-inspired Finger Puppet Parade. Just follow the instructions in our video! First, download and print the eight puppet templates from The Frog Prince, Hansel and Gretel and The Little Red Riding Hood. Colour the figures, cut them out, and follow […]
The Emerging Artist Mentorship Programme is a new initiative launched by Standard Chartered Arts in the Park to support young artists and help a new generation of creative talent develop confidence, endurance and adaptability. The programme is split into three strands: Stained Glass, Wearable Art and Theatre. Led by local professional artists, the programme provides […]
Standard Chartered Arts in the Park, Hong Kong’s largest outdoor youth arts festival and puppet parade, is an annual youth education programme that provides young people with exciting opportunities to improve their self-confidence and enhance important life skills through the arts. Despite social distancing rules caused by COVID-19, Standard Chartered volunteers take the lead in […]