Create your own equatorial beats and drum the afternoon away. 30/11 Saturday 12:30pm / 1:30pm / 2:30pm / 3:30pm / 4:30pm 1/12 Sunday 10:30am / 11:30am / 1pm Duration: around 30 minutes
Immerse yourself in magical classic stories, enchanting flights of fantasy. Live Storytelling: Around the World in Eighty Days 30/11 Saturday 12nn / 2pm / 4pm (Cantonese) 1pm / 3pm (English) 1/12 Sunday 10:30am / 12:30pm (English) 11:30am / 1:30pm (Cantonese) Duration: around 20 minutes
Join us in the Victoria Park and be captivated by a carnival featuring 4 metres tall giant puppets, interactive art booths, live performances, and more.